Simply Admissions understands that every student's situation is unique. Below is a general timeline of our services, but we always personalize our approach to fit each family’s specific needs. We offer comprehensive packages and hourly services. Schedule a complimentary consultation today to allow us to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Freshman & Sophomore year
Academic planning
Career & major exploration
Designing & evaluating an extracurricular resume
Brainstorming extracurricular activities
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® personality assessment
Junior year
College search
Identifying colleges that are a fit academically, financially, and socially
Creating an initial list of suggested colleges
Direction on how to effectively research colleges, with the goal of creating a preliminary list
Standardized testing plan
Deciding to focus on the ACT or SAT
Developing a test schedule & prep plan
Discussing Letters of Recommendation
Demonstrated interest strategy session
Senior year
Guidance creating an academically & financially balanced final college list
Assistance brainstorming, outlining, & proofreading essays
Reviewing the following:
College applications
Honors program applications
Scholarship applications
Interview preparation
Advice regarding the financial aid process, including financial aid analysis & appeals
Managing deadlines during each step of the process
every student receives the following:
Access to Custom College Plan portal and other client resources
Personalized checklist & calendar
To receive additional information about our packages or learn about our fees please contact us.